About us
Welcome to Crop’s Vegetables
Vegetables are our specialty. With decades of experience in growing, preparing, and flashfreezing the finest varieties, we have become true connoisseurs of roots, stems, bulbs, leaves, seeds, and flowers. We turn this fresh harvest into diverse products, sharing them with healthconscious chefs, producers, and consumers who value quality and convenience.
Family-owned company with 45+ years of experience
Consistent food quality, highest safety and full transparancy
Vertical integration from field to fork
Worldwide experience

We are agriculture experts. We are industry leaders.
The true added value of Crop’s grows from the combination of both of these crafts. By making the best use of nature and technology, we ensure a short and straightforward journey for our products.
Once harvested, the vegetables are prepared for flash freezing. We select, clean, chop, dice, slice, and water cut. Then, we blanch, coat, cook, and grill. The Crop’s veggies come either in their simple, as-is glory or as grilled and fried mixes, gratins, sides, or ready-to-steam dishes.
At Crop’s Vegetables, we are a team of food enthusiasts who continuously explore new ways of sharing the natural goodness in healthy and easy ways. Passion and knowledge are what we bring to the table.
How would you like them served?